Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Where are Portable Fire Extinguishers required?

Q: In what Occupancies are Portable Fire Extinguishers required?

A: The following information is to the best of my knowledge, and may have been updated or revised. In addition, there may be some special Occupancies where portable fire extinguishers are required that are not listed below (for instance, at Outdoor Sidewalk Cafes with Gas Heaters) However, the below list is a good starting point:


"The owner or occupant of any occupancy or space shall ensure that such occupancy or space is equipped with the portable fire extinguishers as set forth in NFPA Standard 10-1998, except as otherwise required by this subdivision. The NYC FIRE DEPARTMENT may prescribe such other or additional portable fire extinguisher requirements as it determines to be necessary for fire protection purposes, based on the use or configuration of the occupancy or space.

Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in the following occupancies or spaces:

1. Occupancies or spaces used or classified as OFFICES or PLACES OF WORSHIP, HOTELS and MOTELS shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every six thousand (6,000) square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor, except that such a fire extinguisher shall be provided for every twelve thousand (12,000) square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor for occupancies or spaces used as or classified as offices or places of worship in fully sprinklered buildings.

2. ROOMING HOUSES and SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCIES, as defined in the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, with over 15 sleeping rooms shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating in the apartment of the manager or the building superintendent.

3. HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES, HOMES FOR THE AGED, DAY NURSERIES accommodating more than 15 children and asylums shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every 2,500 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor.

4. Places of PUBLIC ASSEMBLY or other occupancies or spaces where 75 or more people congregate, including places for entertainment or amusement, shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every 2,500 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor.

5. Occupancies used or classified as RETAIL STORES or shops shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every 2,500 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor.

6. PIERS, STABLES, WAREHOUSES, MANUFACTURING occupancies and all COMMERCIAL occupancies except stores and office buildings shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every 2,500 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof on each floor.

7. Occupancies or spaces used or classified as LUMBER YARDS shall be provided with one fire extinguisher of minimum 2-A rating for every 2,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof

8. Occupancies or spaces used or classified as TELEPHONE EXCHANGES shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers suitable for Class A and Class C fires. A fire extinguisher of a minimum 2-A rating shall be provided for every 3,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.

9. STORAGE GARAGES, ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS and occupancies or spaces that manufacture, use or store flammable liquids or mixtures, combustible liquids or mixtures, fats, paints, waxes or similar substances shall be provided with an extinguisher suitable for a Class B fire that shall meet the rating and travel distance requirements for Extra (High) Hazard occupancies as specified in Table 3-3.1 of NFPA Standard 10-1998.

KITCHENS (except those used domestically in residential occupancies, but including those kitchens used communally by the occupants of more than one dwelling unit), shall be provided with an extinguisher suitable for a Class K fire, and shall meet the travel distance requirement of §3-7.2 of NFPA Standard 10-1998. The requirements of sub-paragraph 9 shall be in addition to sub-paragraphs 1-8 of this paragraph."

Contact FDNY with any specific questions, or visit the FDNY Web Site for further information.

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