Thursday, November 08, 2007

What is a Revocable Consent?

Above is an example sketch of Planters on the Sidewalk requiring Revocable Consent

Q: What is a Revocable Consent? What is required to obtain one?

A: When a Building Owner wishes to construct a portion of their building beyond the Front Lot Line or Street Line, they may be required to obtain a Revocable Consent approval to do so.

The Building Code allows certain, limited projections beyond the Street Line, for both above-ground and below-ground projections. These are covered in 1968 Building Code Subchapter4, Articles 8 & 9. See my entry on Projecting Balconies as an example of a permissible projection not requiring a Revocable Consent.

If, however, the Building Owner wishes to construct beyond the limitations specified in the Building Code, they will need to apply for a Revocable Consent through the NYC-Department of Transportation.

A Revocable Consent is a grant by the City to construct and maintain certain structures on, over, or under City Property (usually the Sidewalk or Street). As the name implies, the City may revoke the grant at any time, and thus oblige the Owner to remove the projection.

The Revocable Consent process takes approximately 4-6 months, longer if a Uniform Land Use Review Procedure is required (ULURP). The ULURP Process adds at least 6 months to the process.

Generally, consents are granted for a term of ten years, at the end of which time they may be renewed. Revocable Consents are distributed to several reviewing agencies, all of which must approve the petition:

-Borough President's Office
-DOT Borough Commissioner
-Department of Environmental Protection
-Department of Buildings
-Art Commission
-Local Community Board
-City Council
-Department of City Planning (for ULURP)

A few examples of structures that commonly require Revocable Cosents:

-A Building Cornice projecting more than 10" beyond the Property Line.
-An Outdoor Bench on the Sidewalk
-An Information Kiosk
-Building Steps or Entrance Details which project more than 18" beyond the Property Line
-Exterior Wheelchair Ramps installed on an existing building which project more than 44" beyond the Property Line.
-Canopies, exceeding the size limitations of a standard Canopy.