Thursday, May 18, 2006

Old Code Class 3-Non-Fireproof Construction

Q: What is the Definition of Old Code Class 3-Non-Fireproof Structures?

A: Old Code Class 3-Non-Fireproof Structures are structures made of incombustible materials or assemblies of materials inadequate to meet the fire resistive rating requiremetns of Class1 or Class 2 Structures:

-Exterior Walls are Masonry or Reinforced Concrete,-Interior Framing is partly ot wholly of wood or unprotected iron or steel.

3-hours: Exterior Bearing Walls, Floor construction above the Cellar or Basement including Columns (except in Residence structures 3 stories+Basement or less in height, and in other structures not over 4 stories or 40' in height).

2-hours: Exterior Non-Bearing Walls, where protection is required, Shafts & Required Stairways over 4 stories/40' in height.

1-hour: Exterior Non-bearing Walls, Shafts & Required Stairways in structures not over 4 stories or 40' in height

This section does not apply to private dwellings of 40' and 4 stories or less in height.Exterior walls of private dwellings of Class 3 Non-Fireproof constructionmay be constructed of incombustible materials having a fire resistive rating of at least 1-hour, provided the building does not exceed 1 story in height and is separated at least 4' from any lot line and from any building.
