Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Landmarks Expedited Review

Q: What is the criteria necessary to file for a Landmarks Expedited Review Permit?

A: Landmarks Approval for construction projects can add significant lead time to issuance of a Work Permit. Landmarks offers an Expedited Review process for Alterations meeting the below criteria. We encourage all applicants that can comply with the criteria to submit their application using this method:

2. Must be performed ONLY ABOVE THE SECOND STORY;
3. Must NOT be performed on any portion of a space designated as an interior landmark;
4. Must NOT involve any change to, replacement of, or penetration of any window, skylight,
exterior wall or roof of any portion thereof; and
5. For floors 3 through 6 must NOT involve a dropped ceiling or a partition which is less than a
minimum of 1'-0" back from any interior windows sill or frame, whichever is further from the

Have a question about Landmarks Permits? E-mail Permitadvisor
